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Presents the user with a drawing screen. Can be used for signatures, quick sketches etc.

Node properties


Text above the area that the user can draw in.


Denotes if the user is mandated to supply a signature.


The node returns 5 values:

ContentTypeReturns the type of content and the way it's saved.
SizeReturns the size of the file in bytes.
Base64ThumbnailReturns the image in a Base64 encryption. This is the return data you want to reference to use the image.
IdentifierReturns the identifier under which the file is stored in the database. This is the return data you want to copy to reference the file in another flow.
NameReturns the name of the image.


The ‘any result’ is triggered as soon as the drawer lets go. It is recommended to use a button connected to the green dot if the drawer has to be able to place multiple lines.


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