Multi-property update
Find an asset by ID and update multiple of its property values.
Node properties
The unique ID of the asset that will be updated. An easy way of finding this is by referencing a 'filter' node.
Set the properties of the asset using the following syntax:
NameOfProperty: 'SetToValue'
Multiple properties of the same asset can be set by using a comma and adding the property to a new line:
NameOfProperty1: 'SetToValue1' ,
NameOfProperty2: 'SetToValue2'
This node returns all the information stored in an asset, not just the updated properties. So there is quite a lot of info to sift through. This can all be referenced using one of the following commands:
Nodes.Nodename.PropertyName[X] /* if the property is a multi-value */
Nodes.Nodename.BranchName.PropertyName /* if the property is placed inside a branch */
Nodes.Nodename.BranchName[X].PropertyName /* if the branch is a list */
When referencing a multi-value or a branch list, X is the position in the list. Keep in mind that the first position is 0, the second is 1, etc.