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The dependencies page is a simple viewer where the user can see what items are linked to each other. A starting point can be selected by using the Add button in the bottom right of the screen. This will show all items that it is dependent on, but not the items dependent on it. Clicking on a dot will then remove it and all connected dots.

Blue dots represent dashboards, teal represent asset types, green represent assets, soft pink represent processes, purple represent maps, yellow represent triggers, bright pink represent filters, dark yellow represent views and red represent secrets. An arrow leading out a dot means that that item references what the arrow leads towards. Vice versa, dots that have an arrow leading into them are referenced by the dot on the other end of the arrow. Hovering over the arrows shows what part of the item and the module it exists in. Hovering over a dot shows its name, type, module, how many other items it references and how many times it is referenced. On the left of the screen the amount of items sorted by type can be seen. Opening the dropdown shows all the names of the selected type of item.