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Assettypes are the frameworks for assets. All their possible properties (as well as the possible base values of these properties) are set in the assettype. Multiple assets of the same assettype can exist at the same time.

Creating an asset type

An assettype can be created by clicking the add assettype button in the botom right corner of the assettypes page. A white plus in a blue circle This will create an assettype with all the standard properties included; No custom properties have been added to it. Note that by default all but the 'name' property have been hidden on the properties page.

Editing an asset type

All the properties of an assettype can be seen by pressing the table icon in the top left of the screen:

three bars with three blocks to their right

These properties can be dragged into the asset while in edit mode to have them displayed on the properties page. At the bottom of this list there is the option to add more properties. Existing properties can to a certain degree be edited by clicking on the pencil icon next to the property. Edit mode is enabled by selecting the edit option that will appear when the cursor is placed over it.

a hidden button on the right side of the tab button

Editing mode not only allows for new properties to be added and changed, but also allows the asset type page to be used as a sub dashboard with the use of widgets.


An asset type denotes all the properties of an asset. It has a few standard properties built in, and custom properties can be added.

Standard properties: These properties are always included with an assettype. Removing one of these might result in errors.

NameThe name of the asset, must always have a base value as it denotes the name of the assettype within the database.
IconIf an asset has an icon, it can be saved here. An icon is a special string with its own display type.
Start date/timeDate (and time) that somthing started.
End date/timeDate (and time) that somthing ended.
Placed inside (asset location)When an asset is added to this property, this asset will take its geo-location as its own.
LocationThe geo-location of the asset.
In areasAll the areas that the assets geo-location is located in.
BoundsThe edge of an area.
Map typeNot yet implemented.
Point on custom mapCoordinates on the custom map of the map type property. Not yet implemented

Custom properties:

TextAll text can be stored here, however it is not advised to place large amounts of text in a single property.
Integer numberA whole number. Cannot store decimal numbers.
Decimal numberA decimal number.
True/falseStores either true, false or is empty.
Date and timeA date and time in string form
AssettypeStores an asset type.
AssetStores an individual asset. One asset can be stored in multiple other assets
FileStores a file. Can be used for images, videos, large text files, etc.
Flow referenceThis is a reference to a flow that can be used as a trigger.

These types by default have only one value, but multiple values can be added when the ‘multi-value’ has been checked in the property options menu. By checking the ‘value is required’ box, the value has to be added when creating a new asset of the assettype. Adding a default value is advised wile the box is checked. By checking the ‘Track modification history’ box, previous values and the time of change are stored. This can later be used to create graphs. By making the value fixed, the value cannot be changed after it has been created.


The editor changes how the data of the property is collected and/or displayed. When hide property in add popup is turned on it no longer shows a field to add a value to this property when creating a new asset.


  • Text field: Type text in a single line.
  • Text area: Type text in multiple lines.
  • Phone number validation text field: may change the keyboard on mobile (depends on device).
  • Color picker: changes the text field to a color picker.
  • Email validation text field: may change the keyboard on mobile (depends on device).
  • Url validation text field: may change the keyboard on mobile (depends on device).
  • Icon picker: select an icon, note that the disply type should be set to icon to properly display the selected icon.
  • Use process: when the value is changed, a flow is triggered instead.


  • Numeric value: set a number.
  • Use process: when the value is changed, a flow is triggered instead.


  • Check-box: shows a checkbox.
  • Switch: shows a switch.
  • Use process: when the value is changed, a flow is triggered instead.

Date + Time

  • Date calendar and time picker: shows both.
  • Date calendar: only shows a calendar.
  • Time picker: only shows a digital clock time picker.
  • Use process: when the value is changed, a flow is triggered instead.

Asset type

  • Entity picker: select an Asset type.
  • Use process: when the value is changed, a flow is triggered instead.


  • Entity picker: select an Asset type.
  • Use process: when the value is changed, a flow is triggered instead.
  • Dropdown list: shows a dropdown list when changing values. A filter has to be set in the constraints.


  • File upload: pick a file to upload.
  • Image upload: pick an image to upload.
  • Use process: when the value is changed, a flow is triggered instead.

Flow reference

  • Entity picker: Select a flow.
  • Allow add new value: when checked, this adds the option to create a new flow.


The display tab contains the option to choose the way of displaying the value. Leaving this on default, the property will be displayed as is. Where only the color of the display can be changed. Depending on the property type, different ways of display can be selected.


  • Icon: If the text is the name of an icon, the icon will show.
  • colorBlock: Colors the background of the text according to the added colors.
  • Multi-line text: If the text is too long for a single line, line breaks are used.


  • Formatted: Set the number of decimals and add a unit.


  • Formatted: Set different terms to be used for true and false.
  • Custom: Create custom icons for true and false.

Date and time

  • Formatted: Set the way the date is formated.


  • Thumbnail (default): Shows a small image of the file provided.
  • Download link: Creates a link from where the file can be downloaded.


A flow can be added to be triggered every time the property meets certain conditions.

Editing a trigger:
  • Asset type: The asset type the trigger is linked to
  • Trigger property: The property the trigger is linked to
  • Triggers.flow-name: The flow that is triggered
  • When changed by: What the property has to be changed by to trigger the flow.


Set the value of the property across all the assets of this asset type that fall within the set filter: a batch update.


Widgets can also be added in edit mode, turning the asset type page into a sub dashboard. This is done by clicking on the add widget button below the properties list. A square with two lines below it in a blue circle See widgets for more information.

The add colomn button adds a new column to add widgets or property panels to. a 1x3 table with a plus The remove column button removes them. 'Remove' with a 1x3 table with a cross


Pressing the save button next to the name of the tab saves the layout and added properties.


If a tab is not saved before the page is reloaded/exited the changes will not be stored! Pressing the bin button will delete the tab.

Creating a new tab

Clicking the + next to the already existing tabs creates a new tab or dashboard. There are two types of dashboard. A column type where all the values are put below each other, and a tiles type that functions similar to the main dashboards. (see dashboard).

Dashboard properties edit

Clicking the pencil at the top of the screen A pencil in the top right of the screen the dashboard properties of the asset type can be edited. Here, the name and icon of the page can be changed. Assets can be linked to an external data source, using HTTP methods. This security measure allows for data storage outside of the databases of conneqt, that is requested when the asset is opened, so it can still be seen and changed within conneqt. It also allows setting the asset type to act as a choice list. This means that all the assets created using this type will only show up when choosing them as a choice-list. Imagine an assettype ‘Status’ has the assets ‘Ready’ and ‘Preparing’. Then status will be hidden in an asset type picker for a node that counts the assets, but will be visible when creating an 'asset' property. Finally, the asset type can use a generation pattern for the names of its newly created assets.

Clicking the Assets button Mesh of dots at the top of the screen will link to the list of the asset type’s assets. See assets for more info.

Clicking the dependency button A chain will link to a list of all the asset types that rely on the current asset type.

Clicking on the connected triggers button Box with play simbol conected to a line at the top of the screen will lead to a list of triggers linked to the asset type. It will show which Flows are triggered, what the property needs to be changed by for the trigger to activate and what type of change it is.

Deleting an Asset type

Deleting an asset type can be done by pressing the bin symbol at the top of the screen. Red bin This action cannot be undone! Make sure that no flow or other asset(type) relies on the asset type to be deleted.